Top 10 successful inventions that just up and Died
Top 10 Successful Inventions That Just Up And Died 10 TiVo In the dark days before devices like TiVo were introduced, it wasn’t easy to record live television. And just ignore pausing it to travel to the toilet or grab a snack. TiVo changed all that with its introduction of digital video recorder technology, which revolutionized how we watch television.With a TiVo attached to your TV, you may record multiple channels directly , making it almost impossible to miss a favourite show. Even more impressive, the system made it possible to skip commercials, a feature that everybody appreciated.[1]TiVo’s branding was so successful that it became a verb. People would say that they “TiVo’d” something to observe later. Unfortunately, it absolutely was to not last. As digital technology continued to grow, DVRs became largely unnecessary.TiVo adapted to the days , albeit slowly,...